CAT 797F haul truck

Customer: Mining Company In Australia
Product: Mag-Shield®

Mag-Shield® improve oil sample results in a CAT 797F haul truck


A CAT 797F off-road truck operated by an Australian mining company had a brake failure. The operator of the truck contacted us for a MagShield® – NEXT GENERATION BEST PRACTICE for fluid contamination control solution. The operator had failures of this nature before and was aware that follow-on failures were common due to the difficulty in completely removing all contamination from the system.


We provided a Mag-Shield® filter. The operator installed it during repairs performed on August 5th (see chart). The Mag-Shield® system is designed to remove ferrous particles from the fluid flow. This prevents the abrasive particles from continuing to circulate within the system and cause additional damage, such as scoring machined surfaces in pumps. The system was flushed according to manufacturer-recommended procedures and the unit was returned to service.


During the oil sampling period after Mag-Shield® installation (after 1456 hours), an immediate drop in iron particulates was observed, as was an immediate reduction in PQ levels. At the next oil sampling period, the drop in iron and PQ levels was maintained and the fluid evaluation returned with the next highest letter grade. Additionally, subsequent pump failures that were common after this type of failure and had been expected by site engineering were avoided. The success of Mag-Shield® in this application reduced unit downtime and prevented expensive additional repairs.

Dean Cryer

Business Development Manager

: +1 780 966 8647


Jorge Infanta

Sales Account Manager

: +1 780 909 8232


Stacy Dukart

Sales Account Manager

: +1 780 984 8647


Neil Cropper – Australia

General Manager

: +61 409 269 873


Simon Lewis – Australia

Business Development Manager

: +61 455 298 814


Barry Erasmus – Australia

Business Development Manager

: +61 472 567 040


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