Customer: Canada - Agriculture
Product: Mag-Shield® X

Mag-Shield® X: Ensuring Complete Iron Debris Removal for Reliable Equipment Operation.


Hydraulic system clean-up post failure has long been a time consuming and difficult process. Despite using industry best practice methods, ferrous contaminants remain in the system wreaking havoc on newly rebuilt components, prematurely wearing new parts and often resulting in secondary failures.

Recent innovations in magnetic filtration offer a betterway to ensure system cleanliness post failure. In the quest to offer customers the best outcomes possible, Youngs recently trialed Mag-Shield® X to redefine post failure clean-up best practices.

A Case Steiger 485 QuadTrac experienced a front axle bearing failure. The resulting contamination spread through the lubrication system causing additional damage to the rear axle bearings.


After thoroughly cleaning and flushing the system a Mag-Shield® X was installed on the front and rear axle return lines as part of the repair. The machine was then operated for 5 hours before inspecting the Mag-Shield® X


Upon inspection, it was clear that significant amounts of iron contaminants were removed by the Mag-Shield® X. The collected material ranged from sub-micron sized particles to flakes measuring 1 – 2 mm in diameter. In total approximately 30 grams of material was collected predominantly made up of fine particles from the initial failure that could not effectively be removed by traditional cleaning methods.

The results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of using Mag-Shield® X for best practice post failure clean-up operations in dealership service departments. In this case the machine was only operated for 5 hours with Mag-Shield® X in situ. In general, the longer the Mag-Shield® X is kept in the system the more material it will collect. The clean-up duration is determined by the severity of the failure on a case-by-case basis.

Clean oil is fundamental to equipment reliability and component longevity. Following a catastrophic failure, it is vitally important iron debris is eliminated from the system. Traditional methods, while important, cannot guarantee complete removal of contaminants. Mag-Shield® X complements existing clean-up methods to achieve the best result possible, setting the repair up for success and the machine up for many years of reliable operation.

Dean Cryer

Business Development Manager

: +1 780 966 8647


Jorge Infanta

Sales Account Manager

: +1 780 909 8232


Stacy Dukart

Sales Account Manager

: +1 780 984 8647


Neil Cropper – Australia

General Manager

: +61 409 269 873


Simon Lewis – Australia

Business Development Manager

: +61 455 298 814


Barry Erasmus – Australia

Business Development Manager

: +61 472 567 040


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